Past as a guide
The past is a useful guide only if it can show something about the future. Warren Buffet says that in the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield. However, we must peer and try to look through the windshield to know where we will be heading.
Power of presence
Our mere presence can mean many things.
As a boss, showing up for a team member’s presentation that they are leading can give them assurance and motivation
As a business leader, dropping in to meet your customers and learning how things are going for them can indicate that you care for their success
As a parent or a spouse, bringing your whole self and just being there for your loved one at the end of the day can be the biggest gift for them
Understanding potential
The best way to explain potential in a person is to take the analogy of a seed.
The seed contains within it the whole tree and generation of trees.
It requires someone to spot that it is a seed, make efforts to sow it in the right place and nurture it, and have faith that it can grow. A true potential needs wisdom, nurture, and patience to be realized.