Indicator of calmness | Working with intensity | The power of labeling

Indicator of calmness

The test of calmness is not the absence of stress but our ability to handle stress and come back to equilibrium as quickly as possible. Our threshold and our time to recover are good indicators of how calm we are as a person.

Working with intensity

Whenever I have spent more time on something, it has not necessarily improved the outcome and my satisfaction. However, whenever I have worked on something with intensity, it has not only given me good results but also given me satisfaction. It seems to me that the secret of good work is not hours spent but intensity and quality of focus.

The power of labeling

I have been observing that assigning people labels can have very powerful effect on subsequent actions. Since then I have been careful of using labels on others. For instance, telling someone that they are careless at what they do will not make them reliable. Instead, a simple reminder how persevering they are and you are relying on them for this work can make things work differently.

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